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The Continuum And Feature Extraction tool (CAFE) is a python version of the original CAFE IDL software, developed for fitting Spitzer/IRS spectra (Marshall et al. 2007), that has been updated and optimized to work with JWST IFU data. CAFE is composed of two main tools: (1) the CAFE Region Extraction Tool Automaton (CRETA) and (2) the CAFE spectral fitting tool, or CAFE fitter. CRETA performs single-position and full-grid extractions from NIRSpec IFU and MIRI MRS IFU data. The CAFE fitter uses the spectra extracted by CRETA (or a spectrum provided by the user) and performs a spectral decomposition of the continuum emission and fits a variety of common spectral features (emission and absorption) present in the near- and mid-IR spectra of galaxies. The full dust treatment performed by CAFE allows the dust continuum model to fit not only spectra of typical star-forming galaxies, but also the spectra seen in more extreme, heavily dust-obscured systems, such as luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs), active galactic nuclei (AGN), or quasars.

The first release of CAFE (v1.0) supports the CAFE fitter. The CRETA tool will be supported in subsequent releases of the code.

The CAFE documentation page provides instructions on how to set up and run CAFE, links to example python notebooks, and a CAFE FAQ page

If you use CAFE to fit your data, please reference it as a link to the GitHub repository (https://github.com/GOALS-survey/CAFE)

Figure caption: JWST MIRI/MRS spectrum of the star forming region, R1, in the nearby LIRG, NGC 7469. The figure shows an example CAFE fit of the dust continuum emission and absorption, PAH emission features, and fine structure atomic and warm molecular gas lines, zoomed in and labeled at bottom - adapted from Fig.2 of Lai et al. 2022.